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Use Quick Look to Preview Spotlight Results in Ventura

Use Quick Look to Preview Spotlight Results in Ventura

When you search using Spotlight on the Mac, it provides a decent amount of information about each result, including name and other metadata. But what if you want to see what’s behind the search result? In macOS 13 Ventura, Apple added Quick Look support to Spotlight...
Sidestep MacBook Optimized Battery Charging When Necessary

Sidestep MacBook Optimized Battery Charging When Necessary

Have you ever run into a situation where the battery icon in your menu bar is stuck at 80% even though your Mac has been plugged in for hours? Luckily, there are several easy workarounds, but first, let us explain what’s going on. In the past few years, Apple has...
Backup iPhone Photos on Your Mac

Backup iPhone Photos on Your Mac

Let’s take a look at a few ways to backup your iPhone photos to your Mac. If your iPhone were to be stolen or suffer an unfortunate accident would you lose all your precious photos? Those using iCloud Photos may think that all those are backed up securely in...